Introducing our beneficiaries to our sponsors Theme: Reducing Stigmatization through Enlightenment and Care an event which took place on the 11th of March 2017.

Our aims and achievements:

  • To introduce our beneficiaries to our partners.
  • To provide a forum in which beneficiaries can express their feelings as well as their ordeal.
  • To provide experts and counsellors to help tackle main issues and ordeals faced by the beneficiaries.
  • To provide a sense of belonging for the beneficiaries.
  • To provide a sense of hope for the beneficiaries.

  • Through the partnership with HYGEIA HMO, we were able to provide counsellors to help give medical advice to beneficiaries.
  • The theme of the event was addressed by Dr. Annette Akinsete (CEO Sickle Cell Foundation Of Nigeria) which helped give a better understanding of SCD.
  • Beneficiaries were able to express themselves and narrate their ordeal.
  • Two elderly living survivors were provided and they were also able to give advice as to how to live a better life with or without SCD.
  • Media coverage
  • The attendance of the Ministry of Health

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